This is the 22-strand DNA Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self! While enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, the Life Activation also empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrevealed talents and abilities, and gives you more vitality and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns. Learn more about Life Activations.

This option may be best if you’re not sure about the Life Activation, but still want the healing benefits of the full energy balancing. This will not include the consultation, reading, or the Purificato & Crystalis, but you will receive an Aura clearing, chakra balancing, magnetic line balancing, central core balancing, and crown cap removal that will restore a sense of peace and connection between your body, mind, and spirit.

Reiki is the universal energy from Source that flows through everyone. During a session, I will act as a channel to bring in more that energy to help your body to relax so that it can heal itself. Adults, children, babies, pregnant women, pets, and plants can all benefit from Reiki. It is a complimentary practice to support your overall health and does not interfere with any other treatments prescribed by your healthcare provider. Learn more about Reiki.

Also known as Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing, this modality is a transformative energy that powerfully assists in releasing unwanted negativity, balancing physical and subtle bodies, and connecting with angels, ascended masters, spirit guides and the Source of all love. This process assists in healing and clearing the central light column, which is the pathway of light connecting the human personality and the Soul to Source. Learn more about Sekhem-Seichim.

Are you going through “midlife crisis” or spiritual awakening? Do you feel like you’re suddenly going crazy and everything is falling apart? Have you sought out free resources online but still feel lost? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, booking a spiritual counseling session can help guide you through your journey. You’ll receive personalized tools, feel supported, and gain tremendous insight. As with any form of counseling, multiple sessions are needed for healing, clarity, and growth, so I recommend a minimum of 8 sessions and can provide a discount for bundled sessions.

$75/session or $555 for 8 bundled sessions ($600 value)

The Max Meditation System™ was developed by Modern Mystery School Founder Gudni Gudnason after travelling the world for the last 35 years exploring the phenomena of the mind. A complementary blend of ancient methods learned from prominent teachers in India and Tibet, this system is designed to truly teach you how to get the most out of your meditation practice.


My Life Activation Experience

A Life Activation is the 22-strand DNA Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self! While enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light (positive...

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Midlife Crisis or Spiritual Awakening

Is there a difference between a midlife crisis and a spiritual awakening? When someone hears the term “midlife crisis,” they usually think of a 40-something year old man going out and...

Your Soul Contract Decoded by Nicolas David Ngan – Book Review

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Evening Routine for Remembering Dreams

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Tara Raymundo
Energy Healer
Spiritual Counselor

I believe the ancient wisdom traditions that teach the reason we’re all here experiencing humanness is to help our souls evolve. To do that, our souls have to create a plan with the intention of overcoming challenges that will help get us closer to returning to Unity with Source/God. We are part of Source/God and are co-creators of the reality that we’re experiencing. The separateness we feel is an illusion.

While I don’t practice a religion now, I do have experience with several of them while following my path. I was born into a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses and was very involved with the Kingdom Hall until I was 14. I then went through an athiest phase until I was 20. I had a coworker who introduced me to the Unity Church, The Law of Attraction, and helped me understand what mindfulness is. A few years later, I felt called to immerse myself in Buddhism and began meditating. When I was 29, I married a devout Catholic and and abandoned my own interests in an effort to adapt to his way of life (as many unempowered Empaths do). At 38, my marriage fell apart, I lost my job, and I had a spiritual awakening/crisis. In hindsight, it was the wakeup call I needed to really turn inward to start healing past trauma in order to reveal my life purpose.

Spiritual Training & Experience

I’m a life-long student of the Modern Mystery School and have been initiated into the lineage of King Salomon to receive ancient metaphysical teachings. In 2022, I received a Life Activation that increased the amount of light I hold by 10xs. I also received a Soul Fire Infusion and Emotional Cord Cutting to help heal myself and reclaim my power so that I can be better positioned to fulfill my life purpose.

In February 2023, I received the Empower Thyself initiation that increased the amount of light I hold by another 10xs and in May I attended Healer’s Academy. Now, the amount of light I can hold has been multiplied by another 10xs (for a total of 100xs the light!).

Outside of the lineage, I earned certifications for Reiki Master, Animal Reiki, & Sekhem-Seichim. I also graduated from the University of Metaphysics with a Bachelor Degree in Metaphysics and am an Ordained Metaphysical Minister and Spiritual Counselor. I’m pursuing my Master’s Degree in Metaphysics (expected completion 12/24) and plan to continue forward to earn my PhD in 2026.

Personal Stuff

I’m a typical Pisces (creative, empathic, intuitive, supportive), INFJ on the Myers-Briggs personality type (the rarest of all), and I want to pet all the dogs. I love reading metaphysical books, specifically about Kabbalah, crystals, tarot, astrology, numerology, and anything occult related.

For my birthday this year, I treated myself to a QHHT (past life regression) session where I found out I’m a Lyran starseed. I was familiar with starseeds in general, but hadn’t gone down that rabbit hole. After my session, I learned everything I could about Lyrans and it deeply resonated with me. A couple of weeks prior to that session, I was introduced to a friend of a friend and one of the first things she said to me was that I’m an alien. I took it as a fabulous compliment and after the session, I texted her to confirm she was correct.

I’m also a single mom of two truly phenomenal kids, ages 9 & 13. When I was a kid, I never really knew what I wanted to be other than a mom. That’s something I felt in my soul from as far back as I can remember. I think my love for them transcended space and time.

My dream vacation is to visit Egypt with a spiritual tour guide like William Henry and be able to spend a night in the Great Pyramid, feel the divine feminine energy at the Temple of Hathor, and tune in to the energies

Do you have questions? Are you ready to book a consultation or session? I’d love to hear from you!
Sessions are conducted by appointment only in Rosenberg, TX.


[email protected]

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